For more then four decades, Louise Blasius has been a part of the McKenzie Health System Family, serving in many roles. She was recently recognized for 45 years of service to the hospital and officials are hoping she has many more years left or dedicated work. When Blasius joined the hospital staff in 1976, Apple Computer and Microsoft were incorporated and Jimmy Carter defeated incumbent Gerald Ford in the Presidential election. Blasius has worked with human services, grant writing and funding for the hospital. She is currently the Director of Human Services and is also well-known for her work with the Senior Citizens Fair in Sanilac County. Hospital President and CEO Steve Barnett congratulated Blasius on 45 years of dedicated service to McKenize Health System and the Sanilac County Community. “Louise is an outstanding member of our team and a wonderful community member who is dedicated to so many non-profits, causes and individuals,” Barnett stated. “We are so fortunate and grateful for her 45 years of service.” Blasius says, “It has been wonderful to be an integral part of a growing, community-focused organization and to have the opportunity to make a positive impact on our community’s overall health and wellness.” Adding, “I’m also fortunate to connect with so many amazing coworkers and community members every day.” Blasius is licensed by the Board of Counseling as a Professional Counselor and by the Board of Social Workers Examiners as a Licensed Master Social Worker. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Kalamazoo College and her master’s in Counseling from Western Michigan University. Her extensive community involvement includes serving as president of Sanilac County Building Ties, as a member of the Sanilac County Community Foundation, president of the Carsonville-Port Sanilac School District Board of Education and the Sanilac Intermediate School District Board of Education, past president of the Sandusky Lions Club, member of the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Posse and the Michigan Trail Riders Association. When she is not working or volunteering, Blasius loves spending time with family, especially horseback riding, kayaking and family trips.