Sanilac County Historical Society raises funds to save historic Bark Shanty/Aitkin House

With just hours to spare, the Sanilac County Historical Society has reached its $75,000 goal to save the historic Bark Shanty/Aitkin House from demolition. The home was built in 1853 and is one of the oldest buildings in Port Sanilac. Sanilac County Historical Society Board President Bill Gray says 277 people pitched in to help raise a total of $75,120.70 in just 31 days. The original owners of the home announced that they would be donating the building to the historical society and contributing $10,000 towards the total costs of moving the house to the museum grounds. Now that the fundraising goal has been met, the next step is to build a foundation, move the house to the Sanilac Historical Museum grounds, run water and sewer lines and complete the home’s needed repairs and restoration. The Historical Society’s plan is to rent the house out like an Airbnb in order to create a much needed revenue stream. Gray adds that if you missed the initial pledge campaign, you can still contribute to the Historical Society’s ongoing cause to preserve, promote and protect the history of Sanilac County. For more information log on to, or call 810-622-9946.

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