SEFA struggles to find answers; balance budget

(SANILAC COUNTY) – The Sanilac East Fire Authority continues to struggle to keep moving forward, discussing options including whether or not they continue medical first response service and/or allowing Sanilac EMS to base an ambulance in Port Sanilac.
Also, more importantly in the short term, the SEFA Board is up against a deadline to get their new budget passed for the upcoming fiscal year.
The SEFA coverage area includes Forester Township, Sanilac Township and the Village of Port Sanilac. Discussion of the budget, with possible action, was on the agenda at the SEFA meeting two weeks ago.
However, board members voted no due to there being no lease contracts with other agencies and two members went so far as to say they felt the fire board does not need to support the funding of the fire department’s Medical First Response program.
While the MFR service has been free to residents in the service area, discussion is being held as to whether or not a fee for service might be assessed.
The SEFA finance board is set to meet this week and the full SEFA Board will be meeting Tuesday, March 8th at 5 p.m. at Bark Shanty in Port Sanilac.

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