Sanilac FFA students present compelling arguments

The Sanilac County Board of Commission held their regular bi-weekly meeting Tuesday afternoon, highlighted by a presentation of a group of students from the Sanilac County FFA.
The five students, from area Sanilac County schools, gave an impressive presentation in public speaking for the board and audience.
The students simulated a Watertown Township meeting, discussing the pros and cons of having solar energy farms coming to the region, similar to discussions that grown adults shave been having for months.
Commissioners applauded the students for their convincing presentation, moderated by “Township Supervisor” Brooke Jansen, a Sandusky Student.
Students on both sides of the topic have obviously studied the information and facts about the issue and gave compelling arguments.
After their presentation, the group fielded questions from the Board and audience, completing their outstanding presentation.
It was the fourth of five required public forums they need to complete, prior to heading to State FFA competition at Michigan State University later this month.
The Sanilac group hosted District competition and won first place over five schools and later placed second at Regionals at USA, out of six other teams.
Team members are Brooke Jansen, Karli Kreger, Isabella Stoutenburg from Sandusky, Sara Wurmlinger Croswell and Bette Eggink of Deckerville.
13 Sanilac FFA students in all will be headed to MSU for State FFA competition in various categories.

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