Sandusky man State’s DPW Supervisor of the Year


(SANILAC COUNTY) – Sandusky Department of Public Works Director Matt Harris has been honored by his peers for his dedication and hard work in Sandusky.
Harris, who along with City Manager Dave Faber, attended a conference last week in Lansing where a presentation was made.
Little did he know his wife and parents had also made the trip to celebrate with him, saying he had no idea he was getting the award until about an hour before the presentation.
He was named DPW Supervisor of the Year for the State of Michigan, an honor he was nominated for by City Manager Faber.
Harris has been with the City’s DPW department for six and a half years, serving as the Director of the DPW for the past five years. Faber, who was selected as City Manager of the Year in 2016, says Harris is been an asset to the community and does a great job of managing the city’s water and sewer departments as well as helping out with the WWTP from time to time.
Harris, also a member of the Sandusky Community fire department, was recognized at Monday night’s council meeting for his award.
At the March 21st council meeting, the Sandusky city council gave City Manager Dave Faber approval to continue to move forward with a grant application that if awarded, will help cover the costs of several improvements at the city’s Diamond Trail walking path in the coming months.
The one mile trail could see improvements including restrooms, a storage building, additional parking spaces and a water station for walkers and their four-legged friends.
Faber told council the grant would total just over $254,000 dollars with the city covering $107,000 dollars of the total amount, partially with in-kind services such as infrastructure work and landscaping.
The Recreation Passport Grant is a competitive process, according to Faber, that is based on points from the application information from each submitting community.
Grants will be awarded this fall and if the city is successful with their request, Faber said work would be planned for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
In other council news, council approved a new contract for a Supervisor of the WasteWater Treatment Plant, hiring Joseph Perroud who formerly worked in Genessee County until his retirement.
The agreement is for three years and will pay Perroud $76,000 dollars per year. He will also receive 12 sick days, four personal days and 15 days of vacation as well as pay for 11 holidays.
In addition, Perroud will receive $400 per month in lieu of taking the city’s benefits of medical, vision and dental insurance.
Perroud is expected to begin his employment with Sandusky on April 4th.

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