Harbor Drug robber quickly caught


The Harbor Beach Police Department made quick work of a robbery investigation at Harbor Drug last Wednesday, May 4.

There were no injuries during the robbery, much to the relief of pharmacy owner Mike Delpiere and the three employees working at the time. Responding to the initial call at 5:42 p.m., police were able to find enough evidence to obtain a search warrant that had them knocking on the suspect’s door a little more than five-and-a-half hours later.
40-year-old Kinde man, Chris Thomas Demara, was arrested at his home in the 500 block of Main Street in Kinde, after the search turned up the stolen narcotics, a 9mm handgun, and other evidence related to the robbery. Demara was arraigned the next day, Thursday, May 5 on charges of armed robbery and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

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