‘Click It or Ticket’ summer campaign kicks off

With the annual ‘Click It or Ticket’ enforcement period starting yesterday (May 16) and running until Sunday, June 5, St. Clair County Sheriff Mat King is urging area residents to remembering buckling up during their summer travels. The three-week, “high visibility” campaign purposefully coincides with the start of summer travel season with the hope to cut down on serious injuries and deaths that could have been prevented by seatbelts.
Last year, Michigan seat belt usage was measured at a rate of 92.6%, down from two years before, where the rate was 94.4% of Michigan drivers buckling up. Considering that wearing a seatbelt in the front seat lessens the chance for injury or death by 45% in an accident, and that it’s $65 fine to not wear a seatbelt, there’s plenty of reason to buckle up this summer season.

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