With bids secured for city roofing and road work, the Sandusky City Council approved several projects for the months ahead and discussed the plan for the 2024 M-46 Watermain Project at Monday night’s meeting.
After sending out for bids last month for three roofing projects, the Finance Committee reported that two different contractors will be handling the work, with Zimmer Roofing to take care of the City Hall and Cemetery Chapel roofs and Universal Roofing handling the Waste Water Treatment Plant’s roof. They also reviewed bids for driveway work at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, with Miller Masonry planned to do reconstruction after Kapel removes the cement.
The council unanimously voted to award the bids to the respective contractors before moving on to discuss the road work still planned for 2022. With Loraine, Lincoln, and Carolyn Streets on 2022’s work roster still, and Jefferson Street being planned for next year, City Manager Dave Faber discussed with the council the possibility of bonding all four projects together over the next 10 years to afford the much needed work. Further discussion is needed, but the city council seems to agree that they will proceed, with work bids from ACE-Saginaw already received for the project.