Akron man pleads guilty for home invasion, witness intimidation at last minute


With the Huron County jury preparing to figure out his verdict yesterday morning, an Akron man pleaded guilty at the last minute to charges stemming from invading an ex-girlfriend’s Fairhaven Township home in January.
Luther Gabriel Dinsmoore, age 42 at the time of the crime, was charged with one felony count of third-degree home invasion and a misdemeanor count for assault and battery after he broke into his ex’s home on January 26, assaulting a second person in the apartment at the time. He was later charged with witness intimidation and interfering with a criminal case after sending two letters to his ex-girlfriend while he was being held at the Huron County Jail, wherein he asked her to lie during her testimony at the preliminary examination.
His jury trial began this past Tuesday, with Dinsmoore taking the stand on his own behalf to finish out testimony that day. However, he chose to plead guilty to the count of first-degree home invasion with a habitual offender, second notice, and one count of witness intimidation and interfering with a criminal case before the jury was asked to retire for verdict discussion, thus ending the trial as Judge Gerald M. Prill accepted the plea.
Dinsmoore will be before Prill again come Monday, September 19, for his plea and sentencing hearing, where he faces a sentence of up to 30 years for the home invasion charge alone.

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