Commerce Twp. man drowns in Saginaw Bay due to suspected rip current

A tragic accident in Saginaw Bay yesterday took the life of a Commerce Township man.
It was about 11:00 a.m. Thursday when Kerry Atwell, age 65-years-old, was standing on a Lake Huron sandbar with a friend, also 65-years-old and of Commerce Township, when they were knocked over by a wave. Atwell was taken further out by rip current, while his friend made it back to shore, where he and other friends and family began a search.
Atwell was found 20 minutes after he disappeared from sight, being found about 400 feet west of where he was last seen. Friends began attempting resuscitation, with two Huron County deputies arriving at the scene following a 911 call. Atwell was transported to Scheurer Hospital, being pronounced dead after resuscitation was stopped around 12:16 p.m.
The Huron County Medical Examiner’s will be conducting an autopsy next Monday.

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