Sandusky council discuss project updates, ongoing fundraising campaign

It’s been almost a month since Sandusky’s city council approved beginning the foreclosure process to remove SpeedConnect equipment from the city’s water tower, but city manager Dave Faber was proud to report at Monday night’s meeting that the company finally got back in touch with him on the matter.
The company, which had not paid their rent invoices for the past 10 to 11 months and was “roughly two grand in the hole to the city,” agreed to pay the back invoices, requesting to stay on the tower. City Manager Faber reported to the council that he was developing a new agreement to be reviewed and hopefully agreed upon by SpeedConnect.
He also reported that roof work on both City Hall and Greenwood Cemetery’s Chapel was complete, with materials for the Waste Water Treatment Plant expected to arrive on November 22. Meanwhile, security cameras at the airport have been ordered by the city and are expected to be in on October 10 and installed by October 20th.
The council also used the October 3rd meeting to touch on the ongoing fundraising campaign for the next project at the Diamond Trail.
The city’s Park and Recreation Department hopes to update the pavilion with new picnic tables, garbage cans, pet waste receptacles and a message center, as well as to freshen up the space with landscaping. If the city raises $15,000, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation will match the amount.
Thus far, $2,010 have been raised of the $15,000 goal, with anyone interested in donating being able to find further details on the campaign by visiting the city’s Facebook page.

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