Sandusky student struck by car while trying to cross Elk Street


With heavy traffic in the area due to school being dismissed early, a 14-year-old Sandusky student was hit by a car as she tried crossing at Lincoln and South Elk Streets on Wednesday, November 9.
According to Sandusky Police Chief Brett Lester, the student, a Sandusky resident, was trying to cross to the west side of Elk Street in an unmarked area, but was unable to see oncoming traffic due to multiple cars parked “up along the side of the street.” When she made her attempt to cross, the 14-year-old girl was struck by a 2015 Chevrolet Impala driven by Sandusky resident Macanna Briolat.
Briolat immediately stopped, giving aid to the student while other bystanders also offered assistance until medical personnel arrived. Briolat was not at fault in any way, and no citations were issued.
The student was transported to McKenzie Health System and later transferred to Flint’s Hurley Medical Center for treatment of a fractured pelvis. She is now at home with her family, and is expected to make a full recovery.
Due to the accident, traffic on S. Elk Street was shut down for about 45 minutes. Sandusky police received assistance from the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office, the Sandusky Fire Department, and Sanilac EMS.

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