Amanda Nichol, the Sandusky resident arrested in July for making a call to Sanilac Central Dispatch threatening Sandusky City Hall, was arrested again, but this time, for skipping the sentencing trial for July’s offense.
Nichol, age 33, failed to appear at her October 18 district court sentencing, prompting a bench warrant to be issued on that Tuesday. She gave police the slip several times, staying at different places around town, but after about three weeks, her luck had run out.
Police found her staying at a house on the block of Elk, Morse and Lincoln streets, arresting her on Tuesday, November 8, without resistance in the back parking lot of the Elk Street Brewery. Nichols was sentenced the next day to a yearslong probation for attempted malicious use of telecommunication services.
The case had started when Nichol had called on the afternoon July 13, “stating that she wanted to come to city hall to hurt people,” and thus sending the building into lockdown for almost half an hour before police traced the call to her Lincoln Street apartment, arrested her and took her to McKenzie for a 24-hour evaluation.