By Dawn Malek, Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum Administrator
Start a new family tradition! Brighten your holiday with a stroll through the Lighted Christmas Trail in the historic village and nature trail at the Sanilac County Historic Museum, which will be lighted and decorated for the season.
Most of the historic buildings, plus the Troop Train, will be decorated. Check out the many Christmas trees on display, especially the largest one located on the nature trail. And don’t miss “Santa’s Workshop” inside the picture window at the General Store.
This is a FREE event for the community, but your donations will be greatly appreciated! You will find donation pipes located along the driveway, near the showcase next to the Mansion, and in front of the Church. The first $250 in donations will be matched by Lexington Woman’s Life Chapter 927!
The Lighted Christmas Trail will be open from 6:30-8pm, every Friday – Sunday evening, beginning on November 26 and continuing through January 1. Complimentary hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows will be served at the grand opening on 11.26.22. If you plan to attend the grand opening festivities please RSVP to
The Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum is located at 228 S. Ridge St (M25) in Port Sanilac, MI. More information is available by calling the office at 810.622.9946, or on the Museum’s Facebook page at “Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum”, and online at