Out-of-state suspect leads Huron deputies on two foot chases


A Huron County Sheriff deputy got a pre-Thanksgiving workout on Tuesday, November 22, after an out-of-state driver led him on two different foot chases after a routine traffic stop on Filion Road in Meade Township.
The deputy pulled over the Missouri-plated vehicle near Souletown Road due to the defective taillight, but a routine license check of 31-year-old driver Joseph Denny of Madison, Tennessee, found that Mr. Denny was fleeing an out of state drug warrant with a suspended driver’s license to boot.
When the deputy had Denny step out of his car for a weapon pat-down, he fled, running from the deputy and into a nearby field. When back up deputies arrived, they began searching the field, finding him laying nearby. A foot chase of about 1000 yards later and Denny was in custody.
He is now lodged at the Huron County Jail following a short visit to McLaren Thumb Hospital after complaining of breathing problems. Denny was arraigned on Wednesday FOR felony resisting and obstructing police and misdemeanor driving with a suspended license, with felonious possession of meth added to the list after a search of his car found methamphetamine and related paraphernalia.
Denny’s bail is currently set at $50,000 cash. Assisting at the scene were Elkton police and EMS, as well as a Huron County Drug Task Force officer.

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