Port Sanilac woman charged with moving violation causing death in July M-25 accident


A Port Sanilac woman has been charged in the July death of a Richmond man following an accident on July 19 in Sanilac Township on M-25 near Basler Road.
The woman, 71-year-old Gail Ellen Innis, is currently facing a misdemeanor for her part in the accident, charged with “moving violation causing death,” which is punishable with up to a year in jail, a fine of $2,000 or both. She also would receive six points added to her driving record and her license suspended for a year with no appeal.
The case began when Sanilac County Sheriff Deputies received a call around 12:43 p.m. on Tuesday, July 19, with Sanilac EMS, Croswell EMS and the Port Sanilac Fire Department joining them at the scene. It was found that Richmond man Mark Dulz, 44-years-old and riding a 2022 Royal Enfield motorcycle, was southbound on M-25 when Innis made a lefthand turn that put her northbound 2019 Chevrolet Equinox into the motorcycle’s path.
Dulz had been wearing his helmet when the crash occurred, and was treated on scene by both ambulance crews, later being flown by LifeNet to Hurley Hospital, where he passed of his injuries ten days after the crash. Innis refused treatment at the scene.
Innis will be back in court for her pretrial hearing before District Court Judge Gregory Ross at 9:00 a.m. on January 9, having waived her arraignment last week.

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