Sandusky Schools seeking candidates as school resource officer resigns for post at Yale PD


The Sandusky Community School Board of Education had their last meeting of 2022 on Monday night, approving two resignations, one hire and three school committee appointments as part of their main action items. A resignation not part of their agenda was that of Officer Laura Black, who was hired in early September as the school resource officer for the district.
Black, who had also been working part-time between the Sandusky and Yale police departments, intends to take a full-time position with the Yale Police Department.
Due to the positive reception of Officer Black, Superintendent Paul Flynn met with Sandusky Police Chief Brett Lester to discuss filling her role once more. As of Monday morning, the Sandusky Police Department is seeking a part-time school liason police officer certified by the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) to work around 30 hours a week during the school year.
Applicants with experience are preferred, but all interested applicants are welcome to submit their resume to Chief Lester at

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