Blasius retiring after 46 years at McKenzie Health System

After 46 years of service, current Director of Human Services Louise Blasius is retiring from McKenzie Health System.
Blasius, who implemented the award-winning McKenzie Family Planning Program in 1978, also organizes the popular Senior Citizens Fair in the county.
Starting the Thumb Area Geriatric Clinic in both Sanilac and Huron Counties, Blasius also serves as president for the Carsonville-Port Sanilac School Board, the Sanilac Intermediate District Board of Education and Sanilac County Building Ties organization. Also a past president of the local Lions Club, she serves as a member of the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Posse, Michigan Trail Riders Association, Sanilac County Parks Board.
Due to her hard work and constant volunteering, Blasius has been recognized for her efforts several times over, such as a Certificate of Special Tribute from former Michigan Governor James Blanchard, the Anthony V. DeVito II Memorial Award, and one award of merit, the other of distinction from the Michigan Association of School Boards.
She plans to spend retirement with family, hopefully taking trips and horseback riding.

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