Ruth woman sentenced to at least 90 days for September disturbance outside of Harbor Beach Schools


Jennifer Lynn Howard, the upset mother arrested outside of Harbor Beach schools in September, will be spending at least 90 days in jail after pleading guilty to resisting/obstructing a police officer and malicious destruction of police property.
Huron County Court Judge Gerald Prill sentenced Howard to 180 days in jail, with half of that time possibly suspended if Howard continues to work on her mental wellness. She is also to serve two years of probation and pay around $1700 to the Harbor Beach and its police department, in addition to administrative fees and other court costs.
The charges stem from the incident on Wednesday, September 19, 39-year-old Howard of Ruth claimed that she was at the school to pick up her two sons for a Cass City therapy appointment. However, the school had been informed that the children had been placed into the protective custody of their grandmother and were not to be released from school to Howard, calling police for assistance in the situation.
Upon arrival, police chief Todd Bucholtz was informed that the children did not feel safe going with Howard, nor did they have a therapist in Cass City. Bucholtz stepped outside to talk with Howard, who was already visibly upset and swearing on her phone, and, upon being told by the chief that she was not allowed to enter the school, the mother turned and engaged the officer with both of her hands.
As a result of her alleged assault, she was brought to the ground, with the chief attempting to handcuff her but only managing to cuff her left wrist as she kept her other arm tucked under her body, despite the chief’s demand for compliance. Around this time, Howard allegedly threw the chief’s fallen body camera, also reaching for her purse as Chief called for backup. With the chief unsure if the bag had a weapon, he attempted to keep it away from her, with the mother taking that time to swipe and break the chief’s glasses. Backup arrived shortly thereafter.
A photo taken by a student and submitted to the Huron Daily Tribune newspaper shows Chief Buchholtz and Fire Chief Jason Lermont holding Howard down to handcuff her. When Harbor Beach Police officers Glenn Cook and Ed Shrader escorted her to the car, she kicked a corner panel, denting it, with later reports saying that as she was transported to the jail, in the backseat, Howard was spitting, banging her head against the partition, and threatening the lives of Officer Shrader and Chief Bucholtz.
Howard acknowledged her actions back in November when she pleaded guilty to the charges.

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