Lexington Arts Council receives National Endowment for the Arts grant

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is awarding the Lexington Arts Council a Challenge America grant of $10,000 in support of the 2023 Lexington Bach Festival.
Challenge America grants offer support primarily to small and mid-sized organizations for projects extending the arts’ reach to populations with limited access to the arts due to geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. With 262 organizations recommended in this funding category for a total of $2,620,000 and each grant being for $10,000 with a minimum $10,000 cost share/match, the Lexington Arts Council was one of only 8 organizations awarded in Michigan.
The NEA grant to the Arts Council will help to fund the 23rd Bach Festival consisting of three concerts to be held September 13 through 17, 2023 along with informal recitals at churches and schools.
Further information is available at www.lexington-arts.org  or the Lexington Arts Council Facebook page.

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