Sandusky City Council met Monday night to discuss a summer ball tournament, increasing hangar rent at the local airport, and approving two notices of intent for future projects.
With the plan to hold the tournament from Friday, June 30th to Sunday, July 2, Mike Moore of the Sandusky Youth Athletics Association explained that the tournament would be for any local 8U through 12U softball or baseball team, and that they hope to make it an annual tradition, should this coming tournament be as successful as years prior. The council unanimously approved the athletic association’s request to rent Doerr Field for the occasion.
Meanwhile, after a recommendation from the aeronautics board, the council also discussed and then approved a rent increase of $25 for the Sandusky Airport’s hangar rentals, taking the price from $125 to $150, to be billed quarterly. With every hangar full and a waiting list for the public hangars growing, maintenance, utility and equipment costs necessitated the increase.
Finally, the council also approved the notices of intent to bond for the city’s 2023 Capital Improvement Project and its Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) project, which begins the projects’ resolution process and referendum period in time for deadlines already established for the projects. City Manager Dave Faber brought this to the council after discussions with the city’s financial attorney and advisors on the projects and future bonding required to fund them, with the city’s bond threshold being established at $2 million.
After deciding to move their next meeting to Monday, February 27 due to the prior Monday being President’s day, the council adjourned after scheduling the 2023-2024 budget hearing for the same night.