Port Huron Police seeking public comment during CALEA re-accreditation


With only a handful of law enforcement agencies around the country accredited through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement, Inc. (CALEA), the Port Huron Police Department is seeking its 10th re-accreditation this year.
With the department accredited since 1995, Port Huron Police has continued to strive to become the most productive and effective agency it can be. With police misconduct in the national spotlight, a police department’s accreditation means that the department has been found accountable by outside assessors.
In prior assessments, there was a call-in portion where citizens could call in and give comments to the assessors in reference to the Port Huron Police Department. This call-in portion has been replaced by a new web-based portal on the Port Huron Police Department’s website. Citizens have the ability to comment, commend or give other information regarding the agency’s quality of service and information relevant to the accreditation process.
The portal opened Tuesday, February 7 and will remain open through Friday, March 3.

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