For their third and final meeting this month, the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners have a light agenda for their main meeting on Tuesday, April 18, but a busier one for their finance committee meeting directly after.
The commissioners’ main items for their 1:00 p.m. meeting include hearing from Carl Ostentoski, director of Economic Development; interviewing Rae Ann Kreiner for a partial term on the Sanilac Transportation Advisory Board ending June 1 of this year; and accepting the Sanilac County Drug Task Force’s annual report for 2022.
Meanwhile, for the finance meeting, the commissioners will be discussing Lexington Township’s contract with the county sheriff’s office for continued law enforcement services and approving a memorandum of understanding for the county’s Parks and Recreation board to expedite hiring for the department’s vacancies throughout the rest of 2023.
They will also be reviewing bids received for a Buildings and Grounds’ project removing and replacing the courthouse’s boiler, with the four bids ranging in price from just under $200,000 to just under $300,000 for the work. In addition, they will be asked to amend the current budget for the 24th Circuit Court, as the expected childcare budget grant 2023 was over $40,000 more than anticipated when the budget was written. They will also be approving quasi-volunteers for the county’s regional detention support services.
The commissioners had three meetings this month instead of the usual two due to the state mandated session to discuss the county’s property equalization. This year, Sanilac County’s total equalized value is over $3.1 billion, as shared at this past Tuesday’s meeting.