Low-hanging wire slowed trains, traffic in Lapeer over weekend

A 911 caller is being credited with preventing a serious incident from occurring after she called in a fiber line over the train tracks east of M-24 in Lapeer on Friday.
The woman reported around 2:30 p.m. to Lapeer City Fire and Rescue that a passing train had struck the line strung over the tracks, and while the line was still intact, she wanted authorities aware of the hazard.
Able to coordinate with a Canadian National Railway (CN) signal maintainer to slow the next train, the fire department was able to conduct a thorough investigation. They found that one of the passing train’s excessive height rail cars only had about a foot of clearance from the wire, and that the wire had been previously struck by other railcars.
XFinity/Comcast, who maintain the line, were notified of the issue. A timeline of repairs has not been shared.

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