Sandusky City Council approves Jefferson Street work bid, hears updates on Diamond Trail bathrooms


The Sandusky City Council met Monday, April 17, to award Ace-Saginaw Paving Company the work bid for the upcoming Jefferson Street improvement project.
Ace- Saginaw was awarded the bid out of local four companies vying for the project, due to their bid of almost $295,000 for the water main project. In addition to being the lowest bid, the company also was recommended due to their prior and quality work with the city.
City Manager Dave Faber also announced that the city was approved for a grant related to Diamond Trail’s bathroom build project, and that there are two new permits being worked on for two new homes in the city. In addition, MDOT will be having a public meeting on the M-19/M-46 project on Thursday, May 4, at 6:00 p.m.
Also at Monday night’s meeting, the council recognized and approved local group Thumb Thunder Chickens as a non-profit for the purpose of obtaining charitable gaming licenses. Sandusky Police Chief Brett Lester also updated the council on the city’s Ordinance Officer, saying that the officer is currently working three days a week to start off, and is already out and about, having worked on five complaints already.

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