Last month, Deb Messing, EAA, on behalf of the staff of Sanilac County Community Mental Health, presented a check in the amount of $723 to Amanda Wojcik, Administrative Assistant of the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office for the “Shop with a Hero” program for 2023.
Sanilac County first responders, along with DHHS, provide a holiday shopping experience with kids from Sanilac County and county first responders, or “Heroes”. This event happens in December each year.
The money donated by CMH employees is obtained through their “Casual for a Cause” fundraiser. CMH employees are allowed to dress casually every other Friday in exchange for a $3 dollar donation to the “Casual for a Cause” fund, with the understanding that the money would be donated towards initiatives that benefit citizens of Sanilac County. CMH staff create an annual calendar that identifies the recipients of the funds raised.
Former recipients include Thumbs Up for Kids, Humane Society, Project Blessing, the Sanilac County Child Advocacy Center, the Countryside Free Methodist Church Backpack Project, and the Sanilac County Veterans’ Affairs Soldiers Relief and Transportation funds.