Despite one absent council member, the Brown City Council present at last week’s evening meeting unanimously adopted the final project planning document for the city’s waste-water systems improvements.
The decision, made on Monday, April 24, after a roughly 20 minute public hearing and presentation, also sees the council authorizing a representative for the project. The project will see improvements to the waste-water treatment and collection system, thus improving public health, safety and welfare for Brown City citizens.
In addition to the plan’s adoption, two citizens present at the Monday night meeting brought their concerns to the council regarding Cade Road and Belview Street, suggesting the installation of a three-way stop sign, or lowering the speed limit to 25 MPH.
The council took this into consideration before moving to purchase two radar speed limit signs and to authorize more police patrols around Cade Road and Belview Street. The council also moved to transfer no more than $10,000 from the city’s Lead and Copper fund to purchase the signs.
The council will be meeting again next Monday, May 8, at 7:00 p.m.