With Sheriff Paul Rich and others thanking them for a resolution made declaring May as Motorcycle Awareness Month, the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners met once more on Tuesday, May 2.
In addition to the resolution, the board heard a presentation from Health Officer Bryant Wilke on the county’s 2022 Child Abuse Prevention Council impact report, with Wilke noting that, as April is recognized as Child Abuse Awareness Month, him giving the report on the first of May felt apt.
The commissioners had also planned on interviewing five people for the county’s pension board, including Christina Baldwin, Michael Bower, Angela Kramer, Michele Vannorman, and Janet Wilkins, but only Wilkins was able to make the Tuesday meeting. Still, all five were appointed to the board by the commissioners, with a term on the board lasting for three years.
Several action items on Tuesday’s agenda were approved, such as a memorandum of understanding for the Parks Commission, the 2023 lease agreement for the Health Department, and the amended childcare budget for the county’s circuit court.
The board will next meet at the courthouse at 1:00 p.m. May 16, with their Finance and Administration committee meeting to follow.