Brown city council to schedule separate zoning board meeting


This past Monday, May 8th, Brown City’s regular meeting of the city council was called to order by Mayor Julie Miller at 7:00 PM.

According to the council’s proceedings, Brown City will be receiving an additional $10,410 from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) to make up for the funding difference that the city received last year. The fund had previously been down due to COVID, however, the program is expected to help make up this year’s difference.

After much research and collaboration with the Police Department, two radar signs have finally been ordered and will take 6 weeks to arrive. The total cost of the 2 units, freight, and hardware came out to $8,606 , which was well under the $10,000 limit. The signs will provide the Police Department with data beneficial in helping with Brown City’s ongoing speeding situation. In addition, Lynn Manogue recently filed for a variance to Ordinance 152.170 at the last Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting. This variance states that accessory buildings shall not be erected in any yard, except a rear yard, being nearer than 3 feet to any side or rear lot line. Due to Brown City not having a separate Zoning Board, the City Council will be serving as the ZBA.

A motion to approve a meeting for the ZBA was approved by Stacey Biel and is scheduled for June 12th at 6 PM.