In addition to their mid-month committee and district reports, the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners met today to approve this summer’s levying and collection of the county’s allocated mills.
The levying and collection, as certified and authorized at today’s meeting, would occur on July 1 of this year at a rate of 4.0482 mills (or about $4.05 per every $1000 of property tax), with the authorization and collection both routine and annual occurrences for the county.
The board also approved the county’s participation in the Thumb Area Regional Community Corrections Community Grant Application for the 2024 fiscal year, which will see them working again with Lapeer, Huron and Tuscola counties as part of the regional community corrections organization.
Also on the agenda was the approval of the purchase and installation of a sewer debris collection system with costs not to exceed $262,000 and to be paid for by American Rescue Plan Act funds.
The board also approved paying off the Medical Care Facility’s 2013 bond in an amount not to exceed $1.8 million. Funding will come from the general fund and the approval will further authorize an annual repayment schedule for the next 13 years, with the county to start paying $120,000 annually next year until 2037.