MDOT begins $1.2 million M-136 intersection project in St. Clair County


Beginning today, June 5, crews will close North Road at M-136, as MDOT begins their $1.2 million project to rebuild the M-136/North Road intersection in St. Clair County, including the addition of a roundabout.
Work includes removing the existing traffic signals, installing new lighting and signs, completing drainage improvements, and the addition of new pavement markings. Based on economic modeling, this investment is expected to support 15 jobs.
Beginning today, due to the closure of North Road at M-136,  traffic will be detoured via North River Road and North Vincent Road. Both directions of M-136 will be maintained during this time. This configuration is expected to be in place through early July.
In early July, crews expect to detour both M-136 and North Road via North River Road and North Vincent Road. This configuration will remain in place until the project is complete and the roundabout opens to traffic.
The work, estimated to finish up this August, will improve the safety and operations of the intersection with the addition of a roundabout.

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