After a very busy meeting to close out May, the Sandusky City Council has a substantially lighter agenda for their meeting tonight, June 5.
The council will be considering another hangar lease at the city airport, as well as reviewing a quote for the city’s new computer server. Between the actual tech equipment and the cost of installation and file migration, the city is looking at a price tag of almost $6500 for the project.
Meanwhile, the hangar lease being considered tonight is that of the airport’s white hangar by one Scott McKean. McKean had broached the subject at the city’s aeronautics board meeting about two weeks ago on May 24. While the lease was approved by the aeronautics board with a 6-0 vote, the agreement’s details still needed to be worked out between the renter and City Manager Dave Faber.
While those items are the only ones listed for new business, it is unclear if the council will make last minute additions to the agenda related to topics covered at the May 15th meeting. These items could include the city’s drafted chicken ordinance, the soon-expiring trash contract, or planning the council’s next tour of the city facilities this summer.