Sanilac Board of Commissioners approve HVAC project, disposal of sheriff department’s vehicle


In addition to authorizing this year’s taxable value report of $1.8 million , the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners approved the posting and filling of a court clerk position and the disposal of a sheriff’s office vehicle at the meeting Tuesday, June 20.
The probate court is seeking the new court clerk, with the commissioners’ approval the last step before the search begins. Meanwhile, the board approved the sheriff’s office disposing of a 2017 Ford Explorer with about 125,000 miles on it via auction at Vassar’s Albrecht Auction Service, with money from the sale to go towards the department’s vehicle line. In addition to these approvals, the board also heard a presentation from the MSU extension’s Phil Kaatz, the Lapeer County MSU Extension’s Forages/Field Crops Educator. He and some of his colleagues informed the board about various agricultural improvement and research initiatives the extension hopes to bring to the county. 
In addition to this presentation, the board plans to approve the Title IV Cooperative Reimbursement Contract Renewal for both the county’s Friend of the Court services and the Prosecutor’s Office, effective 2024 through 2028.  The board will also award and authorize Rapson Refrigeration the bid to replace the HVAC units at the county’s Dawson Street buildings, with the $311,640 project being funded by ARPA funds.
The board plans to officially accept county administrator/controller Nathan Roskey’s performance review at their next meeting on Wednesday, July 5, and approve a corresponding one year contract extension.  Roskey completed his first year of duties with a score of 4.74 out of 5, being rated highly effective by the board, who approved the item to be discussed at the next meeting during Tuesday’s finance and administration committee meeting.

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