Sanilac County Police and Fire Public Safety Awards presented


A record crowd of over 250 persons attended the Sanilac County Police and Firefighters Public Safety Awards Banquet on Saturday July 8th at Woodland Hills Golf Club in Sandusky.
The Firefighter of the Year is Argyle Township Fire Chief Lyle Ramer. Ramer, a member of the department for over 20 years, the last 8 as its chief was chosen for his outstanding leadership, and countless hours devoted to the department.
The Law Enforcement Officer of the Year is Lexington Police Officer Paul Heneke.  Heneke was cited for initiating CPR and helping save the life of a 4-year old child who had a severe allergic reaction, and went into cardiac arrest. The child survived and has returned to complete health. Paramedic Brandon Armstead and EMT BASIC Deanna Sweet also received EMT of the Year honors for their quick actions in saving the child’s life.
Two Sanilac County Sheriff’s Dispatchers received Dispatcher of the Year Honors. Sarah Gutc  and Cindy O”Hara were honored for being an exceptional team in handling all that came into the 911-dispatch center during a multiple-victim motorcycle accident that occurred on August 6th of last year. Sanilac County’s Corrections Officer of the Year is Sanilac County Sheriff’s Deputy Christopher Emerick. Emerick received the award for taking the time to obtain a National Corrections officer Certification in addition to performing all of his regular corrections duties in a very exemplary manner.
There were two people honored as Citizens of the Year. Anthony McCarty of Argyle was cited for his efforts in finding a missing 3-year old boy with a form of autism. He had wandered away from home and was found by McCarty standing in a ditch ¾ of a mile away from his home. Citizen of the year honors also went to Colin O’Brien of Shelby Township who saved the life of a jet skier who was stranded on Lake Huron because of high winds.
The Bronza award was presented to the families of two area firefighters who recently passed away after many years of service to their communities. The firemen are Pat O’Malley from the Elk Township fire Department and Jacob Biskner from the Lexington Fire Department.

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