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Lexington city council awards bids for sewer project, plans Aug. 8 town hall for Harbor Redevelopment

With the start of August next week, Lexington city council looked to wrap up some details at their last meeting of July yesterday, July 24,  meeting at 7:00 p.m. in their chambers at the city hall.
The Lexington city council awarded several bids for work projects, including sanitary sewer improvements, pipe rehabilitation and Lagoon Sludge removal. Accepting the recommendations of the city’s engineering firm,  Townley Engineering, the council awarded the Lagoon Sludge Removal project bid to BioTech Agronomics; the sewer pipe rehabilitation work was given to SAK Construction, and Boddy Construction Company will take on the city’s sewer improvement project, which includes sewer construction from Altona Drive and M-25 to Birch Drive and more.
The council also heard updates on the capital improvement plan, the fire equipment grant program application, beautification project and maintenance of a bike path connecting Lexington to Croswell.
In addition to the next council meeting, to be held on August 28, the community is invited to a Tuesday, August 8th town hall session at the Village Offices to discuss and recap Lexington’s master plan. Led by Edgewater Resources, the firm contracted for phase one of the Harbor Redevelopment project, this one-hour meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. and will also feature discussion of the Harbor master plan and the project’s next steps. 

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