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Thumb Area Succession Planning Workshop being offered by MSU Extension


This succession planning workshop will provide strategies for designing an effective succession plan for your farm.
The morning portion of the program will be filled with discussion on transferring farm assets and operations through gifts, trusts, and business entities. The afternoon session will provide an opportunity for farms and family members to work on their own succession plan with guidance provided by skilled facilitators. Speakers for this event are Chris Bardenhagen, Ph.D. Esq. and Corey Clark, Ph.D. CFP(R) from Michigan State University’s Farm Business Management team. They will bring their legal and financial planning expertise to this important topic.
The Thumb Area Succession Planning Workshop will take place on Wednesday, August 30 from 9 am – 4 pm at the Saginaw Valley Research and Extension Center, 3775 S Reese Road, Frankenmuth. The cost is $25/person and includes lunch and materials. Space is limited due to facilitator-to-farm ratios during the afternoon portion. Group registration is available and encouraged.
If you are interested in participating, please visit: or contact the Shelly at the MSU Extension office in Huron County at 989.269.9949 or Questions regarding the program itself can be directed to Corey Clark at 517.420.2042 or Jenna Falor at 517.499.9055. Deadline to register is August 25. This program is open to all regardless of the county of residence.

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