Sanilac Commissioners to consider park project proposals at August finance meeting


In addition to awarding a bid for replacing tile in the courthouse’s first floor bathroom, the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners will be meeting this afternoon to discuss two park projects during their Finance and Administration meeting.
District Two commissioner and county park board chairperson Roger Ballard is asking the board to award an almost $465,250 work bid to Nicol and Sons of Cass City for work on the Evergreen Park Sewer Extension Project. A majority of the project’s funding would come from the county’s ARPA fund, with the rest being taken from the parks millage fund.
In addition to that project, Commissioner Ballard will be asking for immediate action on approving a change order for the Forester Park Playscape Project to keep it on schedule. The change order, which saves the county almost $5,000 on the project, will see the park staff completing site restoration and the excavated materials being left onsite.
During the regular meeting, commissioners plan to award Graves Carpentry, LLC the first floor women’s bathroom tile project, with costs not to exceed $11,200. 

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