In addition to a presentation of the city’s audit for 2022-2023 by Jamie Rivette of business advisory firm Yeo & Yeo, the Sandusky City Council also heard updates on the city’s street projects and related concerns.
During the Monday night meeting, City Manager Dave Faber updated the council that 9th District Congresswoman Lisa McClain will be hosting a town hall in Peck from 2:00pm to 3:00pm at the Peck Junior/Senior High School. McClain, who represents the Thumb and parts of metro Detroit in Congress, will be taking questions from attendees during Tuesday’s event.
Manager Faber also informed the council that there will be a pre construction meeting for the water main project, adding that Jefferson Street has also been pulverized and is ready for repaving. Faber added that Lincoln Street’s sewer work is complete, though work on its adjoining alley is still finishing up.
The council was also alerted to community concern about the Lexington Street Parking Lot’s two-hour parking plan. Mayor Thomas Lukshaitis read a letter to council from local business Sheldon Medical about the plan, which is to go into effect in September. The council now plans to revisit the issue next meeting, on Monday, September 5.