In addition to introducing the school’s new resource officer, retired Sanilac County Sheriff Detective Sergeant Steve McKenny, the Sandusky School Board of Education approved several hiring decisions and investments during Monday night’s meeting.
The August 21 meeting saw new superintendent Kurt Dennis have his first three-year contract with the school approved, with Dennis already hitting the ground running, saying that his first 90 days and associated plan are going well and that he is hoping for a bright and long future with the school. Superintendent Dennis also informed the board of a $100,000 library grant that the school had received, placing second among 10 other schools statewide, as well as necessary repairs for the football field’s press box.
Though the board did have to approve seven resignations from district-wide staff, they did approve the hiring of 10 positions, including special education teachers, playground aides and pre-school aides.
The board voted to approve a $50,000 allocation to elementary playground improvements, with $240,000 approved for district tennis court work. The school also received a private donation for the district’s visually impaired education program, and later thanked McKenzie Health System for sponsoring the school’s automated external defibrillator acquisition.