By Katherine Conlee, news writer
The Croswell City Council kicked off their first meeting of October with plenty of good news and exciting updates for the coming months.
As discussed at prior meetings, the city’s new app is continuing to make waves. As of Tuesday, it has been downloaded by over 170 iOS and Android users. Council members are looking to include forums on the app as a future update. These forums would help with community engagement by allowing users to participate in surveys.
City Administrator David Tait also addressed questions by Council Member Sal Hernandez about construction of the new Taco Bell, located on M-90 east of Howard Street. Despite the project grinding to a halt over the last several weeks, it is not on hold.
“They’ve just run into a couple issues with the general contractor,” Tait said.
Those issues are expected to be cleared up with construction continuing as normal.
In anticipation of colder weather, Council Member Denise Slone asked about the location of Croswell’s ice rink. There have been plans made to bring it back for the 2023-2024 winter season. Last year saw a successful fundraising campaign that earned over $10,000 in donations. The ice rink was located at the corner of Howard and Ward Street, however, sloped ground and maintenance difficulties have led to placement reconsiderations. At this time, the fairgrounds are being considered by the City of Croswell Parks and Recreation as a possible location.
The next council meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 16, 2023.