Sandusky to consider work bids for parking lot, curb projects


The Sandusky City Council is slated to consider a bid to maintain and restripe the municipal parking lot on Lexington Street in town, with the restriping a possible way to address lack of downtown parking and community concern surrounding it.
Currently, that parking lot is striped north to south, with the thought that redoing the spaces east to west would allow for the lot’s space to be better used. The work, which will cost almost $9,900, could be completed this fall depending on the weather, with the two halves of the lot taking approximately three days of work each.
While work is being completed, the city will use the neighboring United Methodist Church’s lot, with the church requesting that no delivery or semi trucks park in the lot and that the church gets priority to the lot if holding a funeral.
The council will also use the upcoming Monday meeting to consider project bids, with the two projects receiving three bids a piece. The council will be considering bids for curb improvement work on Morse Street, with the plan being to replace 120 linear feet of curb in front of the Sandusky Post Office.
The other bids to be considered concern the installation of a new driveway access to the planned gravel Lincoln Street Parking Lot, located at the old Sanilac Theater’s location.

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