Marlette PD teams up with Project Child Safe to give out free gun locks

The Marlette Police Department has teamed up with Project Child Safe to provide free gun locks to local citizens.
Developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Project Child Safe is one of, if not the, most comprehensive gun safety education initiatives in the United States. The national program has distributed 40 million gun lock safety kits, with several agencies in the Thumb participating.
In addition to a free gun lock, the Marlette Police will also be distributing two booklets— “Firearms Responsibility in the Home” and “Firearms and Suicide Prevention”– and a Project Child Safe Child’s Pledge to be signed between parents and their child(ren). The materials and gun locks are available in the lobby of Marlette’s City Hall.
Other participating agencies include the Sanilac, Tuscola, Lapeer and St. Clair County Sheriff Departments, as well as police departments in Brown City, Croswell, Ubly and Port Huron. Authorities wish to remind the community that all firearm owners are responsible to know how to secure their firearms in a safe manner when not in use.  

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