With sugar beet season in full swing of harvest and local factories opening up full time, Thumb authorities are reminding motorists and farmers to be safe as they navigate area roads.
With more harvests coming in throughout this season, motorists are asked to please allow extra time and space for farm equipment when encountered on the roadway. With farm vehicles being bigger but slower than most vehicles in the area, getting caught behind one can be frustrating, but the community is asked to be patient and slow down, especially when approaching the equipment and areas farmers are working in.
Farmers are also reminded to ensure the safety and compliance of their equipment and its operator. Those on farm equipment are expected to yield to oncoming traffic when exiting a field and to put both warning signs and flag people on either side of a truck when it’s being loaded on the road.
While farmers are asked to scrape mud and debris from the road, as wet field conditions lead to muddy tires and messy roadways, drivers are still asked to be observant and keep an eye out for such conditions, as they can be dangerous on rainy days.
By being extra patient and observant, the Thumb community and its farmers can stay safe during a very important harvest season.