Elkton, Capac and Imlay City among towns awarded CSIF grants by state for road work


Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Friday that 47 villages and towns across the state with populations less than 10,000 will receive road funding grants totaling $8 million via the Community Services Infrastructure Fund (or CSIF) Category B program.
The list of towns benefitting from state funding include several from the Thumb area, with Lapeer County’s Imlay City, Huron County’s village of Elkton, and St. Clair County’s village of Capac all receiving grants for 2024.
The grant program is administered by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), serving as a stop-gap program to help fund road projects in small communities. The projects were selected, in part, because they are paired with planned infrastructure work, coordinated with other road agencies, focused on extending the useful life of the road, and had limited funding sources for road improvements.
Grant awards range from $46,000 to $250,000 for road resurfacing, culvert replacement, pavement crack sealing, preventative maintenance, and ancillary stormwater management measures.
Elkton received $237,500 for work on West McKinley Street, while Imlay City received almost $250,000 for work on Blacks Corners Road. Capac, in turn, received $100,000 for their Park Street project.

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