Sanilac County Sheriff’s Posse keeps busy with volunteering, fundraising

Sanilac County Sheriff Paul Rich is proud and grateful to share that it has been a busy year to date for the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Posse.
Along with participation in numerous parades, the posse had opportunities to manage traffic control in Brown City, Sandusky and Gagetown. Another point of pride for the posse are volunteer opportunities, such as their activities in May of this year. As they’ve been doing the last few years, a group of volunteers within the Posse participated again in Back Country Horsemen of Michigan spring clean up at Elk Hill Equestrian Camp in Vanderbilt.
Another big event for the Posse was the Annual Fundraising Ride, held at Greg and Patti Alexander’s.
This year’s proceeds were donated to Chris Oswald, the grandson of long-time posse member Tom Clor, as Chris was recently diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. While the family does have insurance as Chris receives his treatment at the University of Michigan Hospital, many services require pre-authorization or are denied. There are also the additional expenses such as travel, lodging and food the family has to consider.
With a desire to support the family, posse members donated all supplies and food to this event, with participants being generous with their donations and the fundraiser ultimately gathering $5,843. This money was presented to Chris and his mother, Pauletta, at the posse’s Annual Wilderness Training this fall. 
Sheriff Rich would like to extend his appreciation to the members of the Sheriff’s Posse for all of their hard work and dedication to the Sheriff’s Office and to the community.

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