Port Huron Police K9 handlers and dogs earn awards, recognition during USPCA Region 19 certifications

Congratulations are in order for Port Huron Police Department Officers Jennifer Sly and Andrew Teichow, and their K9 partners Knight, Jade, and Zeke for their work last week during the USPCA Region 19 canine certifications.
Starting Sunday, October 22, and running through Friday, October 27, approximately 25 to 30 K9 teams participated in exercises conducted at different locations throughout Port Huron and St. Clair County. This event saw K9 teams from throughout the State of Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and Canada compete and certify in the categories of tracking, narcotics detection, explosives detection, handler protection, criminal apprehension, article search, and building searches. 
The Port Huron Police Department’s teams received the following awards.
K-9 Jade, handled by Officer Jennifer Sly, received first place for explosives detection, second place for criminal apprehension, and the Skip Brewster Award for outstanding performance in explosives detection. K9 Knight, also handled by Officer Sly, won first place for criminal apprehension, second place for PDI-Patrol Dog overall, and the K9 Borris Award for criminal apprehension.
Officer Teichow, who handles K9 Zeke, was awarded first place in narcotics detection and the most improved K9 team.

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