St. Clair county residents to vote on school and cemetery millage, marijuana provisioning center proposal


By Katherine Conlee, news writer
In the coming week, St. Clair County citizens within Anchor Bay, Yale, and Elmwood will be making their way to the polls to vote on two millages and one proposal.
An operating millage for the Anchor Bay School District will be considered by those in Macomb, St. Clair, and the Anchor Bay School District. According to the proposal, the millage rate limit on all property–except personal residence and property exempted by law–would be renewed by 18.9867 mills (or $18.9687 on each $1,000 of taxable value) for ten years from 2025 to 2034. In addition to being renewed, this millage would be increased by 0.50 mil (or $0.50 on each $1,000 of taxable value) for ten years. 
Meanwhile, Yale citizens have a busy ballot and will be asked to consider one millage and one proposal. The proposed millage would increase the limit on total taxes against real and personal taxable property by 1.00 mill (or $1.00 on each $1,000 of taxable value). This increase would occur every year for five years starting in 2024 and continuing through 2028. The estimated amount to be collected in the first year would be $38,000,000. These funds would go towards maintaining, improving, and repairing the local Elmwood Cemetery. 
Yale voters will also provide their opinions on a proposal for an adult-use marijuana provisioning center. Residents will vote on allowing one center to be located either in the zoned commercial areas or the industrial areas.

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