By Katherine Conlee, news writer
Lapeer County’s City of Lapeer faces a tough election next Tuesday, with four seats for city commissioner up for re-election.
Incumbent City Commissioners Joshua Atwood, Eric Cattane, and Tony Stroh-Piechowski will be running against Stefan Brady, Linda Glisman, and Melissa Petrie. Mayor Pro-Tempore Jeff Pattison’s commissioner seat is also slated for reelection next week. Joshua Atwood has served the City of Lapeer for eight years, having been elected in 2015 as one of Lapeer’s youngest commissioners since the city’s establishment in 1869. He was re-elected to the position in 2019. Additionally, Eric Cattane, Tony Stroh-Piechowski, and Jeff Pattison were elected commissioners in 2019.
In preparation for November 7, voters should remember to check their specified precinct locations. The City of Lapeer has four precincts with two separate voting areas. Those part of Precinct 1 & 2 will be voting at the Trinity United Methodist Church located at 1310 N. Main Street, while those part of Precinct 3 & 4 should head to the Calvary Bible Church at 923 S. Main Street.