Croswell city council discusses plans for Utilities Director, ambulance fund deficit

With two more meetings left for 2023, the Croswell City Council met on Monday, November 20, addressing several concerns from their previous meeting.
Ella Haynes, 89
Ella Haynes, age 89 of Sandusky, passed away on Sunday, November 19, 2023.
Denise Ann Kalski, 58
Denis Ann Kalski, age 58 of Dryden, passed away on November 17, 2023.
Shirley Gerstenberger, 92
Shirley Gerstenberger, age 92 of Sandusky, passed away on Monday, November 20, 2023.
McKenzie Health System Auxiliary’s “Eat, Drink, & Be Ugly” Sweater Event a Success!
Sanilac County. Mich., – The McKenzie Auxiliary “Eat, Drink, & Be Ugly” ugly sweater event turned out to be a beautiful party which took place on November 10 at Bench Warmers Bar and Grill in Sandusky.
Sandusky School Board welcomes new members, approves renovation contract for tennis courts

In addition to welcoming the three new board members and wishing the outgoing ones well, the Sandusky School Board approved a contract for renovation work on the tennis courts and thanked the community again for approving the