Croswell city council drafts utilities director job description, moves forward with deficit elimination plan


With one more meeting to go for 2023, the Croswell City Council began Monday’s meeting with some last minute business to wind down the year.
A proposed job description for a new Utilities Director has been created. It was approved by all but one council member–who was absent–and will be finalized for approval at the next meeting. Also, in light of the recent Santa Parade that happened on Saturday, November 25, Great Lakes Stage Company provided recommendations regarding the city’s stages. Of the two that the city owns, one is in significant disrepair.
“I’ve been designing and manufacturing stages for eight years now and built a number of them, and [as] I look at the stage you guys have, it’s not a good stage,” said Tom Wilson, owner and founder of Great Lakes Stage Company. “I would encourage the council–regardless of what happens for next year–to not use the stage you have. My frankness is you should take it to the scrapyard and get rid of it.”
Wilson offered a quote for a new stage that would cost around $69,400 and a possible discount of $5,000. 
In addition, Croswell is moving forward with their plans to address the ambulance fund’s deficit. The current deficit stands at over 1 million dollars, remaining one of the worst deficits in any of the city’s funds. A deficit elimination plan has been devised by the council and is being adjusted for approval by the state. The proposed plan outlines an increase of 10% to the fund this year, 35% next year, and 5% the following two years. These increases will serve as a jumping off point for discussion and aim to prevent the fund from accumulating further debt with 35% expected to close the current deficit.
The final city council meeting for this year will be held on December 18, 2023.

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